Spirit Days 2018-2019
Please mark your calendars for spirit days this year and encourage your student to participate! It’s a good opportunity for students to show their school spirit and creativity. Each spirit day, one class with the most spirit will be awarded the coveted Buri Buri Spirit Stick. The spirit stick will be displayed in that classroom until the next spirit day. Teachers, staff and students are all welcome to participate.
September 14: Sports Day: support your favorite sports team
October 5: Backward/Mismatch Day: clothes backward, mismatched or inside out
November 2: Disney Day: wear clothes with your favorite Disney, Starwars, Pixar character
January 11: Crazy Hair/Hat Day
February 8: School Colors Day: Blue and yellow or bobcat spiritwear
March 1: Super Hero
April 12: Decades Day (50’s, 60’s 70’s, 80’s, 90’s)
May 3: Star Wars Day