
Monday, December 19, 2016

Week of Code Recap!

Hello Buri Buri Families!

Two weeks ago Buri Buri went big for Computer Science Education Week and the Hour of Code. The PTA would like to thank Principal Victoria Dye for her hard work putting together this exciting week of learning!

We began with a rousing kick-off assembly that included an inspiring address from Buri parent and SSFUSD alum Luis Madrigal, a drone flight, and even a "visit" from President Obama!

Buri Buri students made stop-motion movies and experimented with Sphero robots. They studied electricity by making LED creatures and squishy circuits

All classes spent time working on and playing programming games. 

Buri Buri is immensely grateful to the SSF Public Library who supported our computer science week with library staff and awesome makerspace equipment and their 3-D printer. Thank you so much!

We hope all Buri families will continue to encourage their kids to code this year, especially during winter break! Have your kids trade an hour of video games to learn to program video games!

Here are some online resources:
Hour of
Khan Academy

The Stop-Motion movie app used was: Stop Motion Studio Use with your own toys and a tablet stand. Tablet stands are very inexpensive at diaso or the dollar store.

Check out these youtube videos about Electricity! Purchase a squishy circuit kit HERE

Try tinkering with this tutorial about LED lights cards (you can use tape instead of soldiering iron):

Visit the SSF Public Library with you kids to try out the 3-D printer. Bring your own SD card or ask to borrow one from the library, plan to stay at least 1 hour. You can make an appointment if you like. 3-D printing use is free and library staff will help out!

Here are some great books about coding

Take some time this break to visit one of the Bay Area's many technology museums. Our favorites are:
Tech Museum of Innovation
Children's Creativity Museum
Computer History Museum
Lawrence Hall of Science

We hope all have a fun and educational winter break!
Buri Buri PTA

Monday, December 12, 2016

Restaurant Night Tuesday 12/13/16 Pieology!

Restaurant Night will occur at Pieology, located at 309 Gellert Boulevard in Daly City on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, from 3:00pm – 7:00pm. You’ll be able to make your own pizza and/or salad, from various traditional, healthy, and tasty ingredients!

These Restaurant Night fundraisers provide a wonderful opportunity for Buri Buri families to meet other Buri Buri families in your community. Enjoy great food in the dining area or take it to go if you wish.

A flyer was sent home last week or print here: PIEOLOGY RESTAURANT NIGHT FLYER Please make sure to present the flyer at the time of purchase (either the physical copy or electronic copy on your cell phone or tablet) so that your Buri Buri PTA can collect a portion of the proceeds. Thank you for your help in making this event a success!

Please send us an email with your thoughts regarding Restaurant Night at All suggestions are welcomed. Let us know where you’d like to see the next Restaurant Night!


Buri Buri PTA

Monday, November 28, 2016

Help Buri Buri by shopping at Amazon!

Dear Buri Buri Families:

Did you know that you can earn easy money this holiday season when you shop at amazon? All you have to do is click through to amazon through our special coded link:  AMAZON FOR BURI BURI then just do your shopping as usual. No extra cost to you :)

Please share with your friends and family :) Happy Shopping!


Buri Buri PTA

Monday, November 21, 2016

Congratulations Mixed Bag Top Sellers and Prize Winners!

We want to say a big thanks to all who participated in the Mixed Bag fundraiser this year! It was a huge success. We have already given a very large donation to the teachers to spend this year.

Our two top sellers were Emelina Pelayo and Jessica Tu! They win a ton of prizes from Mixed Bag plus a Kindle and $50 Amazon Gift Card!

The following people won the drawing for mixed bag prizes! Their prizes will be delivered to student's classrooms Tuesday 11/22.

Jordan Gomez - Canvas Duffle
Caitlyn So - Laundry Tote
Vanessa Almaguer - Grocery bags
MELEIA DOLAR - Tote of the Season
Emiliano Nunez - Carryall tote
Ava Salumbides - Weekender bag
Jessica Tu - Weekender bag
JONAH LEMONS - Dept store bags (2)
Dylan Bullentini - Drug store bag (2)

You can still shop Mixed Bag and 40% of your purchases will be donated to Buri Buri PTA!
Mixed Bag Designs Online Fundraisers
It's easy to support us! Just shop the Mixed Bag Designs Website here Please make sure our ID# 341604 and seller name is entered at the top right corner.
Happy Shopping,
Buri Buri Elementary School

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Movie Night Friday 11/18 Finding Dory

Please join us for a free family movie night in the Buri Buri MUR this Friday 11/18. Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm. We will have for sale pizza, sodas, popcorn and candy. Kids can wear pj's and bring blankets to sit on. Camp chairs will be allowed at the back of the room. *New projector!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Community Forum - Foro Comunitario

Migrant Education – Community Forum (Impact of the Presidential Election in our Immigrant Community)

Our Migrant Education Program in collaboration with San Mateo County has the opportunity to engage our community in a Community Forum on the “Impact of the Presidential Election in our Immigrant Community”. The presentation will be a bilingual presentation (English Spanish) and will provide free legal services to any families in need of consultation. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Restaurant Night at BJ's Brewhouse in Tanforan Thursday 11am-11pm

Restaurant Night will occur at BJ’s Brewhouse, located at The Shops at Tanforan, 1150 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA, 94066 on Thursday, November 10, 2016, from 11:00am – 11:00pm. There is NO school on Friday, so plan on coming out on Thursday and joining us at Restaurant Night at BJ Brewhouse in Tanforan Mall in San Bruno, enjoy some great food and drinks, fellow Buri Buri Bobcat company, and no need to prepare and cook dinner on a weekday night, before a three day weekend! These Restaurant Night fundraisers provide a wonderful opportunity for Buri Buri families to meet other Buri Buri families in your community. Enjoy great food in the dining area or take it to go if you wish.

A flyer will be provided to your child prior to the event or PRINTABLE HERE Please make sure to present the flyer at the time of purchase (either the physical copy or electronic copy on your cell phone or tablet) so that your Buri Buri PTA can collect a portion of the proceeds.

Thank you for your help in making this event a success! Please send us an email with your thoughts regarding Restaurant Night at All suggestions are welcomed. Let us know where  you’d like to see the next Restaurant Night!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

PTA Meeting and Potluck Thursday 6:30pm in the MUR

Please join us for our annual
International Potluck and PTA Meeting
Thursday November 3rd 6:30pm in the MUR

Kids and families welcome! Each attendee will get a homework pass for 1 piece of homework due the next day if you attend!

PTA Meeting Agenda:
  • Update from Principal Dye about our school's test scores
  • Parks and Rec Childcare/vacation care presentation
  • Week of Code Information
  • Reflections Art Contest participants will be honored and winners announced!

Potluck deatils:
Bring a dish to serve about 10 people that represents your family, culture, or community. Last year we had a wonderful variety of food. PTA will provide drinks, plates and silverware

Please come even if you are not able to bring a dish. There will be plenty of food! 

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mixed Bag Fundraiser Reminder: Will take last minute orders until Thursday 10/27 at 2:40pm

Hey Friends! Did you forget to turn in your Mixed Bag fundraiser forms? We will accept them until Thursday 10/27/16 at 2:40. Please turn in to the office or your child's teacher. Thank you for your support! We are so excited for all the programs we have planned this year and we couldn't do it without your fundraising support. Friends & family can still support our fundraiser by shopping online at Make sure they add our ID# 341604 at the top of our site before shopping, or at checkout!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

California State PTA Legislation Advocacy Infomation

California State PTA Logo

Election Alert
September 29, 2016 

California State PTA supports statewide ballot measures
Advocacy is what makes PTA unique, and California State PTA has taken a "support" position on the following initiatives for the November election: 
  • PROPOSITION 51 -- SUPPORT School Bonds. Funding for K-12 School and Community College Facilities. Initiative Statutory Amendment. PTA supports safe and up to-date schools. The $9 billion in bond money will go for new construction and modernization of K-12 public schools, charter schools, vocational-education facilities and California community colleges. 
  • PROPOSITION 55 -- SUPPORT Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. This initiative extends the temporary personal-income tax increases on high-income earners. Money will go to schools and community colleges, budget reserves/debt payments and health programs. About half of the estimated tax money would go to schools (about $4 billion). If these taxes disappear, it would hurt our already underfunded education system.
  • PROPOSITION 56 -- SUPPORT Cigarette Tax to Fund Healthcare, Tobacco Use Prevention, Research, and Law Enforcement. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute. We know that education and smoking cessation programs work to save lives by preventing teens -- who have been shown to be sensitive to the price of tobacco products -- from choosing to smoke in the first place. This increases the cigarette tax by $2 per pack, with equivalent increase on other tobacco products and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine. The money would go to increase funding for existing health-care programs, tobacco-use prevention/control programs, tobacco-related disease research and law enforcement, physician training, dental-disease prevention programs and administration.
  • PROPOSITION 58 -- SUPPORT SB 1174 (Chapter 753, Statutes of 2014), Lara. The California Education for a Global Economy Initiative (California EdGE). In 1998, voters approved Proposition 227 requiring that all students be taught in English, and that English learners be taught in sheltered English courses. PTA opposed Proposition 227 because it forced English Language Learners (ELLs) to take English-only classes regardless of students’ individual needs. In addition, it took away parents’ right to choose what is best for their children. This initiative deletes the sheltered English provisions. It requires students be taught in programs with access to core academic standards, and that school districts provide effective and appropriate methods for language acquisition. Parents and guardians may choose language-acquisition programs that best meet the needs of their children.
  • PROPOSITION 63 -- SUPPORT Firearms. Ammunition Sales. Initiative Statute. We believe that limiting access to the kinds of guns and ammunition that can kill large amounts of people in a short amount of time is common sense. We must fight gun violence by limiting the types and number of guns and ammunition available to those who would use them to do harm to others. Reasonable, common-sense gun laws reduce gun deaths and injuries, keep guns away from criminals and fight illegal gun trafficking.
More information about PTA's rationale for support can be found online at

Thanks again for all you do, and don't forget to vote! 

This message is being sent to all PTA presidents and legislation officers as well as to subscribers to legislative alerts and key policy leaders. 


Monday, October 17, 2016

Mixed Bag Fundraiser Ends Friday!



Every student that sells at least 1 item receives a Minion keychain

will automatically be entered in a drawing to win
prizes from MixedBag Design!!


Make checks payable to: BURI BURI ELEMENTARY PTA

Keep a copy of your orders to distribute your customer orders!

Friends & family can support our fundraiser by shopping online at Make sure they add our ID# 341604 at the top of our site before shopping, or at checkout!

We get 50% of catalog orders and 40% of all online orders.
Online orders ship directly to the purchaser anywhere in the US, and shipping is free on orders $75 and up!

Catalog orders will be distributed to students at school early November. 

Thank you for your support! 

Awesome Prizes!!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Reflections Art Contest Entries due Wednesday 10/19/2016

The Reflections Art Contest entries are due by next Wednesday and what better way to spend a rainy weekend than to create a piece of Art or Literature based on the theme “What Is Your Story”? Students of all grades are welcome to participate. We will be celebrating all of the entries with an Art Show at Sweet Connections Ice Cream Parlor in San Bruno on Saturday, 10/28 from 5-8pm and at our November PTA Meeting. We’re looking forward to seeing what your students’ story is!

Please complete this entry form and turn in with your entry: ENTRY FORM PRINTABLE

Here is more information about the contest:

Here is a short video about Reflections:

School Beautification Day 10/14-POSTPONED

Dear Buri Buri Families,

We have just received notice that we will not be able to access to the library for today's planned beautification day. Because of this and the rain, we have decided to postpone to a date to be announced in the future. We appreciate your flexibility and willingness to pitch in. We will let you know as soon as we have the future date scheduled.

Thank you,
Buri Buri PTA

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Restaurant Night and School Beautification Day!

Hello Buri Families!

Here are a few updates:

Restaurant Night Buffalo Wild Wings
Dine out with a purpose! Support our school by eating at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday 10/12/16 between 11am-11pm. You must bring the flyer that was sent home last week. Here is a printable copy: Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser Flyer
We hope to see you there!

Buri Buri School Beautification Day

Please join us for our first school work day on Friday 10/14*
After school from 2:45 to 4pm
Meet at school entrance between office and building G
Student volunteers welcome but must be accompanied by an adult

Image result for plant clipart black and whiteWe will be working on the following projects:

  • Planting flowers and shrubs near the school entrance
  • Unpacking and shelving books in the temporary portable library
  • Window washing
  • Setting up PE equipment in playground storage shed

And more!


*Weather permitting! If raining, we will limit our work to indoor locations like the library. Please check back here on Friday morning for final confirmation

Mixed Bag Fundraiser

We hope you and your friends and family are enjoying shopping our Mixed Bag fundraiser! The fundraiser has just two weeks left. Please collect your final orders and payments and turn in by Friday October 21, 2016. Purchases will be delivered early November. You can also shop online! Use our fundraiser code: 341604 make sure to note the name of the student you are supporting.

Thanks and see you Friday!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fall Fundraiser Starts Today-Mixed Bag Designs


We’re selling tote bags, accessories, kitchenware & more through a Mixed Bag Designs fundraiser! We are raising funds to pay for PTA programs including several assemblies, parent education, teacher choice funding, free or low cost events like the talent show, movie nights, science carnival, end of year picnics and more. Everything raised over our budgeted expenses is donated back to Buri Buri. Thank you for your support! 


INSTRUCTIONS FOR CATALOG ORDERS (These orders get turned in to your student’s teacher)
     Add your contact info to your form. Our fundraiser ID is: 341604
     Collect money with the orders. Make sure to include 4.5% sales tax to each order TAX CHART 
     Make checks payable to: Buri Buri Elementary PTA
     Turn in money with a copy of your order form to your student’s teacher by Friday, October 21st
      Keep a copy of your orders to easily distribute your customer orders! PRINTABLE EXTRA ORDER FORMS
     Catalog orders are estimated to be delivered to your student’s school in November.
     Questions? Contact:

INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE ORDERS (These orders are placed online and ship direct)
Tell friends & family to support us online at
Make sure our ID number 341604 is added at checkout. Add the seller you are supporting too!
Online orders ship directly to the supporter (anywhere in the US) & shipping is free on orders $75 & up!


Sell or buy at least 1 item and your student will receive a cute minion keychain! 
You will also help earn your teacher a $50-$100 gift card from Mixed Bag! 

Sell more and win these awesome prizes!

 Top 2 Sellers will receive a Kindle and Amazon Gift Card!

Please share the catalogs with others — there’s something for everyone!

Thank you for your support. Please contact us if you have any questions

Buri Buri PTA

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Free Family Movie Night Friday 9/23 Zootopia!

PTA Free Family Movie Night
Friday September 23
Doors open at 6pm, movie starts approximately at 6:30
Buri Buri MUR
Kids can bring blankets and pillows to sit on and wear PJ’s. Camp chairs are also welcome but must stay towards the back and sides of the room outside of the blue taped area.

Please Note: childcare is not provided. Unaccompanied children will not be allowed to enter. This is a family event so please plan to attend together.

Snack Menu and Pricing

Appreciate small bills (no bills over $20) as we carry limited change!

Pizza Slice     $2
Popcorn        $1
Chips            $1
Candy           $1
Cookie          $1
Candy           $1

Drinks           $1

Parent Volunteers needed for set-up, clean-up and concessions. Sign up here: Volunteers

Monday, September 19, 2016

Spirit Days!

2016-17 Buri Buri Spirit Days

Please mark your calendars for spirit days this year! One class with the most spirit on each spirit day will get to keep the awesome new Buri Buri Spirit Stick in their classroom until the next spirit day.

September 23: Crazy Sock Day
October 7: Hat Day
October 21: School Spirit Day
October 28: Wear Red- For Red Ribbon week
November 4: Sports Day
November 18: School Spirit Day
December 2: Twins/Triplets/Squad Day
December 16: School Spirit Day
January 20: Inside Out Day
February 10: School Spirit Day
February 14: Wear Red/Pink
March 3: School Spirit Day
March 17: Wear Green
April 7: Crazy Hair Day
April 21: School Spirit Day
May 5: Beach Day/Hawaiian Day (no swim suits)
June 1: School Spirit Day

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Wednesday Minecraft LEAP Class has a few openings! Sign up now

Did your child want to take the Minecraft LEAP class but didn't get a spot due to the long wait list? Here is your chance! A third Minecraft class is now open for Wednesdays after school starting 9/21/16! Register now as spots fill quickly and there are only a few left.

Minecraft Makers with TechRocks - WEDNESDAYS – 1:45 - 2:45 pm
September  21, 28 (1-2pm), Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26
$85/per student
Kids will learn how to create their own custom items in Minecraft and learn graphic design, basic computer skills, and Java code along the way. At Tech Rocks, we believe in leveraging kids’ passions & interests to teach them technology. At the end of the session, kids will take home a “mod” that can be installed on Minecraft for any PC/Mac. (min. 9 students, max. 16) 


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Restaurant Night Today: Ono Hawaiian BBQ 2pm-7pm!

The Buri Buri Elementary School PTA proudly sponsors a restaurant night fundraising event on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, from 2:00pm – 7:00pm at ONO’S HAWAIIAN BBQ, located at 970 Serramonte Blvd, Colma, CA 94014.  Please present the event flyer upon paying for your order, we earn 50% of all sales (for DINE IN ONLY), excluding taxes.

You must bring the flyer for Buri to get the 50%. Click here for a PRINTABLE FLYER

Thank you for your help in making this event a success!

Please email the PTA ( any feedback (positive or negative) concerning Buri Buri PTA sponsored Restaurant Nights. Suggestions and criticisms are welcomed.

Also, please see our teacher wish lists here: TEACHER WISH LISTS

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Teacher Wish Lists

Hello Buri Parents!

Here are some teacher Wish Lists. Some items purchased will ship directly to the teachers and some will ship to you to bring to school. We will update this page as more teachers create lists and share with us. Thanks!!


Ms Cha Wish List

1st Grade

Mrs Kaw Wish List

Mrs Warren Wish List

Ms Choa Wish List

2nd Grade

Mrs Law Wish List

Ms Louie Wish List

Ms Cecacci Wish List

3rd Grade

Mrs Garcia Rovetta

4th Grade

Mrs Moussa Wish List

5th Grade

Ms Stone Wish List

Ms Kreisman Wish List

Please always use our link to do your amazon shopping! Fundraising made easy!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Buri Buri LEAP Program

BURI BURI Fall 2016 LEAP Program

(Registration is first come, first serve.  Limited scholarships available. No refunds.)
Open to 1st through 5th Grades

Here is a message from Daly City Partnership:
Hello Parents!

We've partnered with Reso to streamline booking our after-school enrichment programs and open payment options to include credit cards!  

·       Create an account anytime before September 2nd by going to:

On Friday, September 2nd beginning at Noon:
·        1. Go to to register for classes.
·        2. Click on the “Register for Classes” Button at the top of the page.

This will take you to the Daly City Partnership/Buri Buri PTA Reso page where you can choose the class you want and complete your registration.

 Classes offered: 

Chorus - Broadway Singing – MONDAYS – 2:40 – 3:40 pm
September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17
 $78/per student
Welcome to this high-energy fun class for kids to sing Broadway classics and contemporary songs.  We will introduce proper singing technique, vocal warm up exercises and two (or three) parts voicing.  The class will present a performance at the end of the program.
(min. 8 students, max. 20)

Hip Hop Dance  – TUESDAYS – 2:40 - 3:40 pm
September 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18
$70/per student
Bust a Move!”  Learn popular hip hop dance moves exploring tempo, rhythm, and improvisation. Class includes a performance for friends and family. Kids learn from professional dance choreographer and former Golden State Warriors cheerleader, Shonna Chiles. Performance at last class. T-shirt included. (min. 12 students, max. 20 students)

Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO – WEDNESDAYS – 1:45 - 2:45 pm
September 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19
                           $80/per student
Explore architecture, engineering and technology concepts using LEGO® bricks. The activities are designed to challenge and intrigue children and build their self-confidence. Teachers provide a themed lesson; students build the model of the day with simple instructions and explore their own creativity through free play time. (min. 12 students, max. 22)

Minecraft Makers with TechRocks - THURSDAYS – 2:40 - 3:40 pm
 And 4:00- 5:00pm (District Daycare or parent pick up/drop off ONLY)
September 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20
$85/per student
Kids will learn how to create their own custom items in Minecraft and learn graphic design, basic computer skills, and Java code along the way. At Tech Rocks, we believe in leveraging kids’ passions & interests to teach them technology. At the end of the session, kids will take home a “mod” that can be installed on Minecraft for any PC/Mac. (min. 9 students, max. 16) 

Academic Chess – FRIDAYS – 2:40 - 3:40 pm
September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21
$70/per student
Pick up strategies and tactics for critical thinking, as kids learn the basics or build on their chess skills. Logic puzzles help students learn the rules of chess and how to become a chess master!  Class will be held with Chess master David. (min. 10 students, max. 20)