The beginning of this school year is looking quite different but the Buri Buri PTA is committed providing resources for students and families so we can stay connected and support our Bobcat community.
Your $10 membership due will help provide:
- virtual field trips
- Art in Action programs
- parent/family support seminars so parents can engage with each other and share resources
- materials for socially distanced events such as drive-by-parade, "pick up days" for class supplies
- provide gratitude gifts to teachers and classrooms
- PTA voting privilege, local discounts and more
How to Join the Buri Buri PTA
Click via Totem to join (you can also donate to PTA should you wish)
Cost: $10 membership fee + $1.00 processing fee
Buri Buri PTA Membership FAQs
Why become a member?
PTA connects families and schools. By joining the PTA you show your children that school matters, and that you are invested in their success. Three decades of research proves that students achieve higher grades, have better attendance and more consistently complete homework when parents are involved – and just the act of joining PTA is a great way to get involved. PTA helps ensure that parents have a seat at the table when important decisions that affect schools are made. PTA works together to improve the education, health and safety of all children.
How do I become a member and/or renew my annual PTA membership?
Complete the attached PTA Membership envelope and turn it into the school office or to your child’s teacher.
What is required to become a member?
Nothing - other than completing the membership form & paying the minimum dues of $10.
Do I have to attend PTA meetings?
No, however, if you would like to attend PTA meetings we meet on the first Thursday of September, November, January, March and April.
Do I have to volunteer?
No, but if you would like to, we have several opportunities in which you can. Whether it’s making popcorn at a Family Movie Night or helping plan our Fall Festival, big or small, we have the right size volunteer opportunity for you!
Do I have to attend PTA sponsored events?
No. We understand in today’s world that we all have busy schedules - so come to the events that make sense for your family’s schedule. I want to help, but I can’t volunteer or attend meetings.
Can I make a donation to the PTA?
Yes, you can make a direct donation to the PTA anytime and turn it into the school office. You can also include the donation when paying your membership dues.
If I don’t attend meetings, events or volunteer, why become a PTA member?
No matter your level of participation, your membership is still valuable. Whether it’s participation at an event/meeting or simply the membership dues you paid - all these things allow your PTA to enrich our children’s experience at school.
How do I contact the Buri Buri PTA?
Please send an email to buriburipta at