
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Free Family Movie Night Friday 9/23 Zootopia!

PTA Free Family Movie Night
Friday September 23
Doors open at 6pm, movie starts approximately at 6:30
Buri Buri MUR
Kids can bring blankets and pillows to sit on and wear PJ’s. Camp chairs are also welcome but must stay towards the back and sides of the room outside of the blue taped area.

Please Note: childcare is not provided. Unaccompanied children will not be allowed to enter. This is a family event so please plan to attend together.

Snack Menu and Pricing

Appreciate small bills (no bills over $20) as we carry limited change!

Pizza Slice     $2
Popcorn        $1
Chips            $1
Candy           $1
Cookie          $1
Candy           $1

Drinks           $1

Parent Volunteers needed for set-up, clean-up and concessions. Sign up here: Volunteers