We hope all have had a great first 10 days of school! We are settling back in and getting ready for our first PTA meeting this Thursday Sept 1st at Back to School Night!
Back to School Night and PTA Meeting Thursday Sept 1st
Here is the schedule for the night:
5:30-6:00pm 3-5th Grade Presentations in classrooms
6:10-6:40pm K/TK-2nd Grade Presentations in classrooms
6:45pm Principal's Presentation and PTA Meeting
We'll be presenting our calendar and budget, updating info for LEAP and Reflections art contest and more! Refreshments will be served.
Spirit wear!
We are taking orders for Buri Buri Spiritwear!
You can print the order form here: SPIRIT WEAR ORDER FORM
Orders are due Sept 14
Spirit wear will be delivered Oct 17
We will have a very limited supply for sale at our PTA meeting so ordering is your best opportunity to get exactly the sizes you need.
Our after-school LEAP classes for 1st-5th graders are starting again soon! This session will have the following classes. Look for a flyer sent home this week:
Bricks for Kids
Minecraft Makers with Tech Rocks (2 classes)
Hip Hop
Academic Chess
Registration will be on Sept 2 here at buriburipta.org at 12 noon. We are piloting a new registration program that will allow online cc payments. Please be patient with us as we try out the new process. Thanks!
School Safety
Finally we'd like to remind all to model good behavior by being responsible and considerate in the drop off lane before and after school. We have heard several complaints from parents lately about people parking and leaving cars unattended in the drop off lane, especially after school, The drop off lane is not parking. You must stay with your car and move forward when there is space while you are waiting. If you park and leave your car it causes traffic to back up on Del Monte and encourages people to drive unsafely to pass parked cars while kids are walking in the lane. Review this awesome video of drop off:
Let's be safe and courteous at school!