Announcing the 5th Annual "Buri Buri's Got Talent" Talent Show
Calling all Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Comedians, Magicians, Air-Guitar Players & Lip Syncers! Beginning Thursday, 2/16 at 7pm, you can sign up to participate in this year’s Talent Show!
Due to popular demand, we will only be accepting the 1st 30 acts that sign up.
Audition Time Sign-Up Link (note you still need to hand in the permission slip)
Important dates:
Online Sign-ups begin 2/16 at 7pm
Permission Slips are due Friday, 2/24
Auditions will be held Wednesday, March 1st
Wednesday, March 22nd (6:00-8:30): Dress Rehearsal
Important Participant Information:
• Permission slips must be filled out and signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school no later than Friday, 2/24. If performing in a group, please staple and return all members permission slips together to avoid confusion.
• Students will receive a specific audition time and will be asked to perform 30-45 seconds of their prepared act (to ensure appropriateness). Audition times will be communicated by February 28th.
• All participants are required to attend the Audition (3/1) and Dress Rehearsal (3/22 6-8:30).
• Students are limited to 1 solo act OR 1 group act
• Each performance may be up to 3 minutes MAX. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
• Students must supply their own music (radio edited versions please!) and props.
• Photos will be taken during the show and may be used in future PTA & School Marketing.
• All performances MUST follow school appropriate language, dress code and music choice. Any inappropriateness may disqualify an act from the show.
For additional information or questions, please email